Action plan for sustainable and low-carbon Port of Bar was developed on the basis of provided SUPAIR’s common methodology and guidelines. For Port of Bar, this action plan represents a milestone in development of sustainable and low carbon management of port operations as the company strives towards higher level of energy efficiency and environmental protection.  The Port of Bar is also fully aware that ensuring a high level of energy sustainability may help to bring ecological, economic and technological advantages and can be essential for obtaining higher level of competitiveness in the region.

To be able to realize aforementioned vision, Action plan has developed goals for Port of Bar to pursue and according to these wider goals, Action plan gave Port of Bar set of measures that are to be implemented in order to reach pursued goals.

Concrete measures have been proposed, categorized and ranked taking into account energy sustainability potential and level of effort necessary to implement these measures. The most promising measures are those with a high impact / effort ratio, namely having a high impact on energy sustainability and, at the same time, requiring low effort for implementation.

The relevance for improving the level of energy sustainability in a port and relevance for Action Plan arises from threat of climate change, increasing environmental regulatory requirements (international, national and local), stakeholder demands and increasing competitive pressure in the port sector.

The Executive Director of the Port of Bar, Vladan Vučelić, in an interview with the daily newspaper      “Dnevne novine” as of February 12th, 2020 has pointed out that the Port of Bar has recently drawn up, within the framework of the international project SUPAIR (INTERREG ADRION programme), an Action Plan which contains measures that should result in optimal compliance with the principles of sustainable development in the Port area.

This Action Plan has positively influenced the development of low-carbon and environment friendly operations in Port of Bar. It is a first step in developing low-carbon solutions and Port of Bar is dedicated in ensuring sustainability of this Action plan by actively participating in further upgrading of these actions by engaging in two new INTERREG IPA CBC Italy–Albania–Montenegro programme projects:

  • in project SuMo, Port of Bar will through the implementation of pilot project purchase hybrid bus for the shuttle service within the port area –> in line with SUPAIR Action plan measure no 7 – Employee bus shuttle services
  • in project SMARTPORT, Port of Bar will through the implementation of pilot project achieve higher level of energy efficiency by introducing LED lighting on terminals in the port –> in line with SUPAIR Action plan measure no 53 – LED lighting

Port of Bar is also technical coordinator in SMARTPORT actions that are to result in creating research and innovation that aim at development of common models for energy planning, adaptation to climate change and multimodal operations optimized in terms of costs and flexibility.

Besides ensuring Action plan’s results are sustainable and transferable through EU projects, Port of Bar’s general managing efforts are in compliance with this document as it is already used as a guide in implementing green upgrading of port operations. In that manner, Port of Bar is planning to electrify the power train (mobile crane and  yard equipment), through its own resources and efforts.

These and other projects that Port of Bar will engage in, following proposed measures from the SUPAIR’s Action plan, will focus on renewable energy sources, rational use of energy in the port areas and reduction of CO2 in port operations. The Port of Bar has recognized the signs of the times and started its “green port transformation” with SUPAIR project and will in the future continue to upgrade and transfer the knowledge obtained from these actions.