The SUPAIR project partners met in Durres (Albania) for their 4th project meeting on June 19th, 2019.
The main theme discussed during the one-day event was the development of the Action Plans for a sustainable and low-carbon port that will be finalized by the end of October 2019.

The port authorities involved in the project are working hard to produce the remaining chapters of their Action Plan, which will be formally presented during the last project event to be held in Trieste (Italy) toward the end of November 2019.
Which are the topics on which the SUPAIR ports are focusing? Here you have some ideas:

  • Venice: design & implement a Smart Traffic Management Tool ????; diagnosis of energy performance of port buildings ????; data collection about terminal activities related to goods, transportations, energy consumption, etc.
  • Trieste: concrete interventions and solutions design encouraging the electrification of consumptions
  • Koper: air, ???? water and ???? noise monitoring
  • Bar: reduce port-related energy consumption and ship GHD & air emissions
  • Durres: ????  revitalisation of green spaces;  ♻️ recycling plan for a sustainable port;  ???? mobility plan for Durres port staff;  ????clean energy investment
  • Piraeus????port carbon footprint & ????port energy management
  • Thessaloniki1⃣ an information system to monitor energy consumption 2⃣ a truck flow management 3⃣ an energy management plan

Thanks to all Durres Port Authority staff for having us!