The SUPAIR project is organizing the workshop “Smart ideas for sustainable and low-carbon ports” to be held in Trieste (Italy) on November 13th, 2019.
The event is the chance to get an insight into the Adriatic-Ionian ports performances in terms of sustainability and learn more about the strategies they are adopting to reduce their impact on the environment. The results achieved by the project will be presented and the Transnational Cooperation Network of Adriatic-Ionian sustainable and low-carbon Ports will be formally created.
The event is organized together with the XXIII edition of the ASITA Conference (Italian Federation of Scientific Associations for Territorial and Environmental Information) that will be held in Trieste on Nov. 12-14, 2019 at the Trieste Maritime Station.
The SUPAIR Workshop will be moderated by Prof. Marco Mazzarino (IUAV).
The agenda of the event will be soon available.